
Posts Tagged ‘Politics’

09.16.2009 Freedom Watch: Jim Babka

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Beware of Tyrants In the Days Ahead

October 10, 2008 2 comments

History should teach us to beware of up and coming tyrants in times of financial instability.  All you have to do is look back to events that happened during the last great depression and shortly afterward, to see how these leaders evolve into something that is exactly different than what they proposed or what you perceived they were doing.  Beware of leaders that say the government can mend these problems, beware of leaders that ask you to give up liberty, beware of leaders that ask you to do something for a common good, beware of leaders that incite warmongering, beware of leaders that want price fixes, beware of leaders that want trade restrictions, beware of leaders that want government interventions.  All of the things I have mentioned effect your freedoms and liberty.  Fascism rose to power and preyed on the weak in the early part of the 20th century.  Please do not let this happen again.

Campaign for Liberty

Since Ron Paul dropped out of the presidential race the other day (not that the Republican Party or main stream media gave him a chance to speak).  He is starting a new en devour you should check out.  The website is above.  His mission is to take his grass roots campaign and still promote the ideas of small government- guided by the Constitution, restoring a sound money supply, ending the wars in the Middle East, and stopping the assault on our liberties by overbearing government.  If you care about your freedoms and choices, then its time Americans do something to fix the dilemmas we are in.