
Posts Tagged ‘civil liberties’

04.20.2009 KVIA Darren Hunt Arrested on I-10 El Paso

April 23, 2009 4 comments

This video shows how Darren Hunt a reporter for KVIA was harassed and arrested for no reason. The police officer in question clearly violated Mr. Hunts rights.  If you see any abuse of police power, please video tape the offensives so average Americans can be protected from these thugs.

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TSAs latest nazi style interrogation caught on tape

April 3, 2009 3 comments

Steve Bierfeldt an employee of Campaign For Liberty was detained and harassed by the TSA last weekend.  This audio recording taken by Mr Bierfeldt shows how the TSA refused to answer if he was required by law to answer their questions. YES, all citizens of this country have the right to know their rights. A law enforcement officer must know the law in which they are enforcing.  They can not just harass people for no reason.  A large sum of money is not a crime in this country.  I feel that more people should be outraged by the police state mentality of this organization called the TSA and the harm they inflict on innocent people.  The TSA must not be allowed to harass people any longer.

Audio Full Version: Campaign for Liberty’s Steve Bierfeldt detained and questioned by St. Louis TSA

6.03.2007 Andrew Napolitano: Civil Liberties in War Time

March 14, 2009 1 comment

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