
Posts Tagged ‘Police State’

04.29.2009 WRAL News: Mom Says Patriot Act Stripped Son of Due Process

In the land of the once free, yet another case of government kidnapping and denial of constitutional rights.  What country treats their citizens like this?

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04.08.2009 Sky News: G20 Video Reveals Police Attack that Kills Ian Tomlinson

Why the upsurge in police brutality and murder?

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04.20.2009 KVIA Darren Hunt Arrested on I-10 El Paso

April 23, 2009 4 comments

This video shows how Darren Hunt a reporter for KVIA was harassed and arrested for no reason. The police officer in question clearly violated Mr. Hunts rights.  If you see any abuse of police power, please video tape the offensives so average Americans can be protected from these thugs.

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